in Games

Lego the Incredibles – Who is it For?

Lego the Incredibles is a Lego-based video game, based on the Incredibles films. It was only released a few days ago in the UK, so many people are still buying the game for the first time, though reviews were mixed and it’s hard to tell how it will sell. It is suitable for Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

The plot is very closely related to the plot of the film, though it has been made so that it is more suitable for children. Adaptations have included a 2-player mode so that it is more like playing with lego in person. During gameplay, the player will control the movie characters, who are actually very true to life, with the same superpowers and abilities. The storyline is similar as well, so if you are an Incredibles fan, don’t worry – the game isn’t going to disappoint. It is suitable for children, though adults might find themselves getting drawn in too.

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