in Games

Banished: One man, one game

x01There are a few misnomers when it comes to games and the creation of them. One of the most common is that it takes dozens, maybe even hundreds, of people to make, build and create the games that we love and enjoy. While that certainly can be the case, you would be surprised about the number of projects that have only a handful of people working on them. These smaller teams have a couple of advantages over those larger ones; while the scope of the game might be smaller and the amount of systems won’t be as robust, these smaller titles can often be a lot more focused and tightly designed.


Banished is one such title. Developed by one person the game is about building a town that can survive against the harshest conditions. It’s set in a fictional medieval time so things like crop failure or harsh weather conditions can severely impact the health of your people. You need to be prepared for all eventualities; even the smallest mistake can cause catastrophic failure, and not being prepared for winter can quickly cause you to start again.


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